Sunday 16 December 2012

The 'You'll Never Guess What It Started Out As!' Scarf

Pinterest Project #3 was t-shirt infinity scarves and I love how quick and easy these are! So quick and easy (and cheap!) in fact, that I've made 3 and planning a 4th!
I started out with a XXL men's t-shirt from Primark (£2.50 - total bargain!) and cut off the hem them cut from armpit to armpit.
Pull and stretch the body so the cut ends curl in a little then that's the scarf essentially finished. These can be fancified as much as you like.
For one scarf I added tassels that I made from some yarn. These are also simple to make; wrap some yarn around a scrap of card, tie at one end and cut the other...
Then wrap more yarn around the top and tie tightly.

I simply sewed these onto the scarf in a line.
For another scarf I took an even simpler route. I used small bits cut from the hem and tied them around the seams to pinch the scarf in on both sides. I sewed these into place and covered the fabric with a big button.

For the final scarf I got carried away. I cut several small strips and tied them together at the seams.
I made little flowers from the leftover t-shirt fabric with pearl beads on to cover the ties and add a little something special and it's done!
I hope the recipients like them!

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